Calling all artists, designers and free thinkers working on creative projects here in the Coachella Valley! Part of the main mission of the FWORD is to share the stories of creative and inspirational people working in all mediums by giving a voice to artists and their work. If you think you'd be a great fit for a profile or interview don't hesitate to contact us! Please put interview and your name as the subject line and tell us a little bit about yourself and what you are currently working on.
Do you have an amazing modern home, eclectic workspace or heck maybe one of those badass teardrop trailers here in the desert? Well we want to see it! If you think your abode would be a great fit for the blog, shoot an email our way and tell us a little bit about you and your space! Please fill out the subject line with home and your name.
*please note: reservations cannot be full-filled via this form
622 N Palm Canyon Dr, Palm Springs, CA 92262